The consortium of the Werk 4.0 project met at the WvSC on 29.02. and 01.03.2024. As part of the project, the work status of the individual work packages was consolidated and then transferred into a prototype for the emerging real-world laboratory.
The prototype was designed using methods and elements of design thinking and was created on the industry-related areas of the WvSC in almost original size. Thanks to the innovative approach, a considerable increase in knowledge about the interrelationships and framework conditions of the “resilient competence network” was achieved in a short space of time for all participants.
What looks playful led to insights that are now directly incorporated into 3D models, construction planning and software. An excerpt from the participants’ feedback:
We look forward to continuing to work on the project together with all partners and are excited to see what the “real” living lab will look like that will be created on the Mercedes Benz Digital Factory Campus in 2025 as part of the project.